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Social Security Standards for Musculoskeletal Disability

A high percentage of SSDI and SSI disability claims are due to musculoskeletal disabilities. Back pain, arthritis, as well as leg and arm injuries that impair functional ability are all classified as musculoskeletal disabilities.

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March is Brain Injury Awareness Month

With COVID-19 spreading throughout the world, now is a great time to refocus on what’s important in life. Our health plays a huge role in how we experience the world, and those who have suffered from a brain injury know firsthand how difficult life following the incident can be.

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Are You a Social Worker or Medical Professional Who Helps the Disabled?

Social Workers, therapists and physicians practice their disciplines hoping to successfully diagnose and treat people with illnesses. Contrary to those goals, however, the Social Security law requires patients and their providers to prove that their patients are not doing well.

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Should I Hire A Lawyer Before Submitting An Application?

At our law firm, we have specifically decided to focus solely on Social Security disability cases, so we know how important it is to hire a lawyer before you decide to start an application. As your Social Security disability lawyers serving Chattanooga, we recommend that you continue reading to learn more about the benefits of hiring us.

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